The contents, which Samutec Incorporation (following Samutec) provides on this web site, have been prepared with particular care. In spite of carefully monitoring the contents of this web site Samutec cannot guarantee absolute correctness and assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the data contained herein. Any typing errors are reserved.
All offers on this web site are without obligation and subject to confirmation. Samutec reserves the right to modify, to complete or to remove the contents of this web site to any time, temporarily or definitively.
Samutec explains particularly that foreign web sites that are linked directly or indirectly by links on Samutec’s web site were free of illegal or unlawful contents at the time of the link setting. Samutec has no influence on the current or future design and on the contents of linked web sites at all. Therefore, Samutec herewith distances itself explicitly from all contents of all linked web sites. The provider of the linked web sites to which reference was made shall be liable solely for illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and in particular for damages that arise from the use or nonuse of information provided in this way.
As far as this web site contains forward-looking statements, these statements are based on estimates of Samutec and are subject to certain risks. Samutec is not obligated to update or realize such forward-looking statements. A liability for such statements is expressly excluded.
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